How to use natural deodorant

How to use natural deodorant

Solid Natural Deodorant

-Make sure your skin is clean. We have a wide range of natural soaps. We can recommend to use them.
-Then, you simply need to push the deodorant upwards to make it come out of the stick.
-Apply the solid deodorant on your skin going back and forwards a couple of times (less is more). Easy to apply.
Do it slowly, enjoy the moment and the day.
Please Note! This is a natural deodorant made out of clear oils – do not overapply as it may cause an oil stain on your shirt. A little goes a long way!

To use our deodorant on non-shaved armpits, we recommend to previously apply the deodorant on your skin (e.g. on your forearm ) or wait a little bit more keeping the deodorant in your armpit, for the product to melt slightly and make it easier to apply. If the weather is cold maybe need more time to get the right temperature to apply easily.

Transition period
If you swop to a natural deodorant for the first time, it is possible that at first, you may feel like you are sweating or smelling more than usual. This is simply the transition period; it could take a couple of days (10-14 days) for your body to regulate itself and get back to normal.

Enjoy the freedom with our natural deodorant! 

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